This is a post by Samar Pahwa
Today is the age of mobile masses, quite literally. Everything one can imagine can now be found at the click of a button, and an app away. New ways of being in touch with everything digitally are cropping up every day. The new dream for every start-up, and the only demand for all consumers - this is the era of apps.
Keeping in tune with the ever-increasing trade of the digital and the dashing, Gourmet Passport app is the first-time venture of the Gourmet Passport in a purely digital outfit.
Today is the age of mobile masses, quite literally. Everything one can imagine can now be found at the click of a button, and an app away. New ways of being in touch with everything digitally are cropping up every day. The new dream for every start-up, and the only demand for all consumers - this is the era of apps.
Keeping in tune with the ever-increasing trade of the digital and the dashing, Gourmet Passport app is the first-time venture of the Gourmet Passport in a purely digital outfit.
There are often times, when conflicted with the cuisines and the inconvenience of going to the ‘right’ place, plans end up in disarray. Because let’s face it, food becomes the centre of every plan and every journey that we decide to undertake.
How can we then take food for granted? It is no wonder then that an app like the Gourmet Passport app is like a breath of fresh air in the intimidating crowd of the new eateries and upcoming restaurants. Whether it is keeping track of all the buffet deals in Delhi, or the new places worth trying, this app takes care of everything you can require for a successful plan when it comes to food.
A direct digital encounter with the restaurants not only helps the customer judge a place by themselves, but also helps them to make an informed decision. It doesn’t matter which area you are in, how full your pocket is or what cuisine is on your mind - you simply have to feed your whims and fancies, and this genie is ready for a roll.
But is that all that is needed? Because more often than not, it is not just about the location or the cuisine, but also about the money in the pocket. When we talk about budgeting, this is safely everyone’s problem. In the middle of the month, we find ourselves sans money, but still hungry for good food. How does one satiate their satanic stomachs then? This app makes sure, that once it is purchased, it will always show you a good time.
With your own personal lists of remarkable offers for one complete year, it makes sure that you never stop. Friends and family can be included and there are cash backs for future purchases - a complete heaven for raging foodies.
Another problem one sees in a foodie’s list of nightmares is the accidental missing of a 5 Star Buffet Deals in Delhi, or amazing offers in the otherwise expensive places. But fear not, my dear foodies, because this app also sends out regular updates on the various offers around town. When to paint the town red next? Wait for an update!

This city is always bustling with people who have to be somewhere and reach somewhere - all in a given period of time. How does one then have the time to go physically to a restaurant to make a reservation? Calling them again and again is also not just taxing, but let’s face it, kind of tacky. The best solution then is a click away. This app also has features that enable the user to put their convenience and comfort before anything else, and simply choose their spot of the day and reserve.
When life becomes this easy and all one has to do is consult a machine generated app guaranteed for its accuracy, the dining experience is not just hassle-free, but also more enjoyable. Impromptu plans or birthday dinners no longer need to be the stuff of the nightmares. A treat will not just end up burning a hole in your pocket, it’ll be a treat for the person giving the treat as well.
No, I am not making this up. Experiences should be memorable and Gourmet Passport app aspires to safeguard your precious moments without let it get scarred with constant telephonic conversations and waiting lines.
Download it. Enjoy it. And never stop eating - that is our motto.
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